Athens / E-health Services Services in the Edge-Cloud Continuum

E-health services in the Edge-Cloud Continuum, Athens

Advancements in telemedicine are being explored through a trial conducted by TMA, a Greek telemedicine company, with contributions from UTA, within the framework of the COGNIFOG project. This initiative seeks to enhance medical IoT devices by connecting them to a telemedicine station, utilizing the Cognitive-Fog framework to provide users with self-management evaluation notifications. Measurements are forwarded to cloud infrastructure for computational analysis and health status evaluation.

The trial employs a custom kit developed by TMA, which includes devices for measuring blood pressure, oxygen levels, blood markers, temperature, and weight as part of its e-health services. Efforts are focused on simplifying the integration of new medical devices, reducing installation time, and enabling initial diagnostics without human intervention. The kit is also designed to operate effectively under challenging network conditions, including unstable or slow connections.

As part of the COGNIFOG project, the Trial will demonstrate the integrated functionality of the COGNIFOG building blocks. The trial combines edge computing with cloud processing and storage, supported by an AI framework, to advance e-health services. The use case leverages medical IoT devices to enable accurate patient assessment in mobile or remote settings.