Grenoble-Alpes Métropole owns or manages several different industrial estates on its territory. These estates range in size and in the areas of activities, from high tech companies to artisans to shops and services.
The Métropole wants to be able to know who is using these estates and how. For example, how many people arrive each day by different modes of transport, how many people leave the sites for lunch, how many deliveries are received on the site, etc.
The goal is to be able to improve the services proposed by the Métropole in these zones, (for example, is there a need for improved public transport? Is there a need to put in place a canteen?) and also to create a connections between the employers to jointly participate events, encourage car-sharing solutions, etc.
The ultimate goal is to be able to better attribute public resources, to improve the working conditions on these zones and the quality of experience of the employees and finally the environmental impact of the activities in the zone.
After several exchanges with different potential stakeholders, as the most organized industrial estate in the city area, it has been decided to use the Inovallée area as the pilot area for the BigClouT project. With 380 enterprises (almost half being startups), 12000 jobs, 900 researchers, Inovallée is an important technological pole in France and even at the European level.
A number of initial services were identified through stakeholder engagement, these include:
- Plan of the zone with contact details and descriptions of all the companies (which already exists in a paper format)
- – Information about the transport options, the location of cars available in the car-sharing programme “Cité Lib”, link with the “Métromobilité” app which gives real time information about public transport
- – Information about building works/ traffic disruptions in the area
- – Information about restaurant options, times and menus
- – Information about sporting and cultural activities available
- – Events, training, workshops, general communication that could interest employees in the area
Technical development
- Following consultations with the future users of the app (employees on the Inovallée zone) and all stakeholders, it was decided to focus on several key services:
- map of the area with information about bus stops, companies, restaurants etc
- contact information for all structures in the area
- -news about the site and companies based on the site
- information about events and the possibility to sign up for events (sports, business, culture…) – traffic information – bus, tram, car-sharing, problems…
- restaurant information – canteens, menus, pricing, opening time
With these services, users of the app will have the most pertinent information about the Inovallée zone in one place, at their fingertips.
MyIno App has therefore been developped taking into account the above mentioned features defined by the potential users. Screenshots from the application are given to the left. MyIno App is available on both Apple Store and Play Store. A lighter web version is also available online.
The MyIno App was well received by staff and workers in the technology park, it was downloaded over a thousand times in its first months of operation. It also generated significant press publicity helping the city communicate its message to local citizens.