This webpage is dedicated to listing upcoming calls and funding opportunities for Smart City related projects

Call Name:

Optimising multimodal network and traffic management, harnessing data from infrastructures, mobility of passengers and freight transport

Projects funded : 2

Budget per Project (Million €) : 5

Deadline: 5 September 2024


Call Name:

Scaling up logistics innovations supporting freight transport decarbonisation in an affordable way

Projects funded : 2

Budget per Project (Million €) : 10

Deadline: 5 September 2024


Call Name:

Innovative digital tools and solutions to monitor and improve the management and operation of transport infrastructure

Projects funded : 3

Budget per Project (Million €) : 5

Deadline: 5 September 2024


Call Name:

Effects of disruptive changes in transport: towards resilient, safe and energy efficient mobility

Projects funded : 2

Budget per Project (Million €) : 3.5

Deadline: 5 September 2024


Call Name:

Resilient and secure urban planning and new tools for EU territorial entities

Projects funded : 1

Budget per Project (Million €) : 6

Deadline: 20 November 2024


Call Name:

Advanced real-time data analysis used for infrastructure resilience

Projects funded : 1

Budget per Project (Million €) : 5

Deadline: 20 November 2024

Calls Horizon Europe

Call Name:

Smart grid ready buildings

Projects funded : 2

Budget per Project (Million €) : 5

Deadline: 18 April 2024


Call Name:

Explainable and Robust AI

Projects funded : 3

Budget per Project (Million €) : 10

Deadline: 19 March 2024


Call Name:

Open Source for Cloud/Edge to support European Digital Autonomy

Projects funded : 4

Budget per Project (Million €) : 5

Deadline: 19 March 2024


Call Name:

Industrial leadership in AI, Data and Robotics boosting competitiveness and the green transition

Projects funded : 6

Budget per Project (Million €) : 10

Deadline: 19 March 2024


Call Name:

Platform Building, standardisation and Up-scaling of the ‘Cloud-Edge-IoT’ Solutions

Projects funded : 1

Budget per Project (Million €) : 2

Deadline: 19 March 2024


Call Name:

Piloting emerging Smart IoT Platforms and decentralized intelligence

Projects funded : 2

Budget per Project (Million €) : 22

Deadline: 19 March 2024


Call Name:

AI-driven data operations and compliance technologies

Projects funded : 4

Budget per Project (Million €) : 9

Deadline: 19 March 2024


The national funding bodies from Japan, United Kingdom, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Netherlands, Singapore and Spain have allocated funding for organisations collaborating on international R&D projects, excluding technologies associated with nuclear power and drug discovery.The submission for Eureka R&D project application for this call for projects between 23 October 2023 to 31 January 2024 at 23:59 CET. The project consortium must include an organisation / company based in Japan and a minimum of one other Eureka countries listed in this call (United Kingdom, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Netherlands, Singapore or Spain).


This call is open for R&D projects, but excludes technologies associated with nuclear power and drug discovery. Examples of scope include:Quantum ; Artificial intelligence ; Robotics ; Semiconductors ; Electronics ; Energy and environment ; Biotechnology ; New materials ; Medical devices ; Aerospace ; Mining and other industrial technologies.


Japan (NEDO)

Grant of up to 100m yen per project for SMEs only.

United Kingdom (Innovate UK)

Grant of up to 600,000 pounds per project for businesses and research and technology organisations, which must include an SME and be business-led.

Canada (NRC IRAP)

Eligible Canadian SMEs may receive up to 50% reimbursement of eligible project costs up to a maximum total funding grant of $500,000 CAD. 

Czech Republic (MEYS)

Grant up to 3 mil CZK per project per year (or 4 mil CZK per project per year in case of more than one Czech participant) for SMEs or large companies. Small enterprises may apply for grant funding up to 80% of the eligible costs, middle enterprises up to 75% and large companies up to 65%.


France (Bpifrance)

Loan or reimbursable advance up to 80% of the R&D costs for SMEs and large companies below 2000 FTE.

Netherlands (RVO)

Enterprises and research institutes in the Netherlands can apply for grant funding up to 50% of the eligible costs. Maximum funding is 350,000 euro per project.

Singapore (EnterpriseSG)

Grant of up to 70% (startups and SMEs) or 50% (non-SMEs) of the total qualified project costs.

Spain (CDTI)

Spain will finance industrial research and/or technological development activities of Spanish companies. Universities and research centers could take part as subcontractors.


Call Name:

Digital tools for enhancing the uptake of digital services in the energy market

Projects funded : 3

Budget per Project (Million €) : 4

Deadline: 10 October 2023

Comment: Energy, digital services using data from other domains


Call Name:

System approach for grid planning and upgrade in support of a dominant electric mobility (vehicles and vessels) using AI tools

Projects funded : 1

Budget per Project (Million €) : 11

Deadline: 10 October 2023

Comment: Transformation of Energy / Mobility infrastructure


Call Name:

Creation of a standardised and open-source peer-to-peer energy sharing platform architecture for the energy sector

Projects funded : 1

Budget per Project (Million €) : 5

Deadline: 10 October 2023

Comment: Energy call


Call Name:

Digital solutions for defining synergies in international renewable energy value chains

Projects funded : 2

Budget per Project (Million €) : 3

Deadline: 10 October 2023

Comment: Energy call

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