What we offer
Santander is a small-medium size city located in the Northern coast of Spain which has become a world reference in the smart city domain. The SmartSantander project, budgeted by the European Union 7th Framework Program represents a flagship initiative mimicked by worldwide cities.
The city itself represents the paradigm of an urban laboratory, upon the massive IoT deployment carried out during the last ten years. Academia, research entities and companies make use of this unique city- scale experimental facility to design, test and validate technologies, services and applications fitting the demands of the urban ecosystems.
Santander Municipality is a key enabler fostering the collaboration between different city stakeholders and advising to them during the different pilot phases.
Santander City Council is also member of several smart city associations both national and international. City representatives are fully committed and participate in a very proactive way sharing experiences and identifying synergies.

Smart City itinerary
Santander is committed with the innovation, focusing efforts to build a smart, innovative and open city strategy that offers citizens quality, efficient and collaborative services, fostering entrepreneurship as well as the establishment of new business activities.
Since 2010, Santander innovation strategy has been characterized by:
• Boosting Santander Smart City initiative, applying technology to provide more efficient urban services, increase citizen satisfaction and contribute to environmental sustainability.
• Development of open government policies to foster local entrepreneurs and developers to create new services based on public information provided through different channels such as Santander Open Data platform (datos.santander.es).
• Modernization of public administration through measures to promote e-government and optimize public infrastructure to improve efficiency of both internal administrative processes and citizen services.
• Active participation in research projects, at European and at Asian level, such as EMPOWER and M-Sec projects, collaborating with more than 350 institutions and companies at national and international level.