The Grenoble-Alpes Metropole is happy to present a new development project, GRANDALPE 25, taking place in the City of Grenoble, Echirolles and Eybens. 

The challenge 

This ambitious project aims to transform a district with 30,000 inhabitants and 40,000 jobs into an active living space, an innovative economic hub, and a leader in new mobility. In addition, the project is designed to be a demonstrator of the ecological transition, with the ultimate goal of building a city without fossil fuels. To achieve these objectives, the Metropole is adopting a new approach to urban development called the “Fabrique de la ville”, which encompasses three main areas of work.

  1. Promoting Citizen Engagement: One of the cornerstones of GRANDALPE 25 is the active participation of citizens in its development. The Metropole is committed to ensuring that the voices of residents are heard and considered throughout the project. By involving citizens in decision-making processes, we aim to create a district that truly reflects their needs and aspirations.
  2. Fostering Culture and Art Integration: Culture and art play a vital role in shaping vibrant and inclusive communities. The GRANDALPE project seeks to intertwine culture and art into its fabric, infusing the district with creativity, inspiration, and a sense of identity. By incorporating artistic elements and cultural initiatives, the city of Grenoble aim to cultivate a unique atmosphere that celebrates the diversity and richness of the local community.
  3. Developing Tactical Urbanism: Tactical urbanism involves implementing temporary activities and projects to envision and prefigure the transformation of a territory. In the context of GRANDALPE 25, the Metropole is leveraging tactical urbanism to bring together various stakeholders, including companies, social and solidarity economy (SSE) actors, artists, and citizens. This collaborative approach allows us to explore innovative ideas and test different solutions before committing to permanent changes.

Solution envisaged 

To facilitate the realization of GRANDALPE 25, the Metropole is seeking a digital platform that would offer a range of functionalities to support the project’s goals. This platform should be designed to serve as a central hub for information and collaboration among development stakeholders.

The new platform should include the following key features:

  1. Metropolitan Territory Inventory: The platform should provide an extensive inventory of the metropolitan territory, consolidating data on various indicators such as levels of waterproofing, vegetation, heat islands, and more. This comprehensive information will serve as a valuable resource for all development stakeholders.
  2. Open Information Exchange: The platform should enable the sharing of information among stakeholders, allowing them to access and contribute to the improvement of their respective projects. By fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, the platform should aim to enhance the overall quality and impact of development initiatives.
  3. Real-Time Data Updates: Keeping track of the impact of projects on indicators is crucial for effective decision-making. The platform should ensure that data remains up to date, enabling stakeholders to assess the ongoing impact of their initiatives accurately. This real-time information should empower them to make informed adjustments and optimize their projects accordingly.
  4. Scenario Modeling: The platform should offer a powerful scenario modeling tool that allows stakeholders to simulate and analyze the potential impact of different development scenarios on various indicators. This capability will assist in making informed choices and developing strategies that align with the project’s objectives.
  5. Accessible Information for Citizens: Transparency and citizen engagement are fundamental principles of GRANDALPE 25. The platform should strive to make information accessible and intelligible to citizens, empowering them to understand the major development choices made within the project. Through user-friendly interfaces and informative visualizations, citizens can stay informed and actively participate in the transformation of their district.

To find suitable solutions to the above challenge, the Metropole of Grenoble has associated itself with the Climaborough initiative, which aims to support participating cities to define and deploy climate oriented, pathbreaking innovations.